Economics Unit Quiz 1

Identify the science that deals with the production, distribution, and consumption of commodities. What is another way to describe commodities? Which branch of economics deals with the performance, structure, behavior, and decision making of an economy as a whole?...

Reflections Pages 44-45

Students should reflect on the topics discussed in our Economics unit (Journal pages 35-43) and construct meaningful notes, diagrams, or statements on the most significant ideas.  This should be placed in your journal on pages 44-45.

Mercantilism Assignment

Write a brief description of the relationship of Mercantilism that existed between Great Britain and her North American colonies.   (This should be in the form of an essay.  Internet research is encouraged)

Index of Economic Freedom Assignment

Index of Economic Freedom Assignment   Choose two nations on the index and compare them on three sets of data in graphics (graph, diagram, chart, etc.). Link to share digital efforts.   Write a summary statement on which nation you would prefer to live in...

Factors of Production Group Discussion

Students will choose which Factor of Production they will support as the most important in a group discussion.  Each group will prepare supporting statements for their  Factor of Production.  The class will then vote on the best supported factor.  No student may vote...